viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

English lenguaje.

Hi teacher and English classmates, in this post I’ll speak about English subject.  Speak about English subject is not easy for me, because I like English but I can’t improve my English in long, long time.

Let me tell you my story. When I was child, about seven or eight years old, I play video games with my friends, in this time the video games came to Chile only in English. Then if we wanted finish those games we need understand English. With this motivation for learn English, I could improve my skill in this idiom.  But, when I entered to secondary education, I lost my motivation for video games and I lost my motivation for the English too. Other things became more important for me like go out with my friends or something like this. You can imagine that I didn’t improve my English skill in that time.  

After that, I entered to INACAP, in that time I had English subject but it wasn’t be a good experience. Actually I didn’t improve my English skills. I think that it happened because we didn’t practice English in class. The class only consisted in repeat that the teacher said. I had fourth English courses (English one, two, three and four) and, I repeat it, I didn’t learn any things about English.

Now I’m studying in the University of Chile and finally I could say that I've improved my English knowledge, more than I could do, in much time. I think that it happened because we, my classmates and I, practice English during the class. And it isn’t the only thing, we’ve write constantly in English, yes I think that posts are very important to practice and learn English. Despite all good things about English class I don’t practice English in outside of English class.Hi teacher and English classmates, in this post I’ll speak about English subject.  Speak about English subject is not easy for me, because I like English but I can’t improve my English in long, long time.

Well, I hope you enjoyed that post. Thank for your attention. Bye, bye.

1 comentario:

Omareitor dijo...

OMG, very interesting testimony